Basic Bash (CLI) Cheat Sheet

This Bash cheat sheet provides a quick reference guide to commonly used commands in the Bash shell. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, this cheat sheet will help you navigate the Linux command line and perform various tasks efficiently. You can also download a high quality printable version […]

How to Run an Ubuntu Update

How to Run an Ubuntu Update

In this tutorial, we will show you how to run an Ubuntu update – how to update your software/packages on Ubuntu and how to update the version of Ubuntu you’re running.

Best Linux Distros for Security and Privacy

Best Linux Distros for Security and Privacy

When it comes to internet security and privacy, Linux operating systems (distros) are the best option. But with so many Linux distros available, it can be difficult to know which one will provide you the anonymity you so require. That’s why I’ve compiled this list of the Top 7 Best […]

A Distro-Hopper's Guide to Hacking on Linux for Beginners

A Distro-Hopper’s Guide to Hacking on Linux for Beginners

It has been some time since the last time I posted an article. Due to life events, I was unable to write and as I come back to make another article I was greeted with a few comments. Thank you for that to those that read it. I hope it […]

The Best Online Security Tools for Linux Users in 2023

The Best Online Security Tools for Linux Users

It’s well-known that Linux users aren’t targeted as frequently by digital threats as users of more popular operating systems. After all, malicious hackers don’t bother making specialized viruses for an OS that’s used by an overwhelming minority. However, that doesn’t mean Linux users can relax and stop worrying about the […]

best VPNs for Linux

3 Best VPNs for Linux

VPN (Virtual Private Network) is one of the methods of safe encrypted connection to the Internet when a standard connection provides only limited access, or you want to stay anonymous. In addition, VPN is a good solution to access essential files through a secure connection if you work remotely. In […]

Ubuntu: How to Install .deb Files

Ubuntu: How to Install .deb Files

In this beginner-friendly tutorial, we’re going to show you how to install a .deb file on Ubuntu. We’ll show you different methods of installing a .deb file, so you can choose whichever one you prefer and find easier.